We all know China is one of the most industrialized and populated countries on Earth. As their production of goods and usage of oil increase, however, the more we question whether their manufacturing process is hurting or helping their country. The ability to manufacture goods is a great skill, nonetheless there is a down side to industrialization. Because China is an evolving country, it is more prone to use up its environmental resources as it gains its strength as a nation. In comparison, Britain was remembered to have caused a great deal of pollution during its Industrial Revolution, as well as India destroying its admirable landscape while emerging as a world power.
China is said to have one of the most severe water shortages in the world. A shocking 90% of its groundwater is contaminated, as well as 70% of China's rivers and lakes. Close to every day a considerable incident due to pollution happens. An estimated 75% of diseases in Chinese people comes from their pollution. People who live along the polluted rivers or, "cancer villages," as they are called, only live to about their prime, dying from terminal disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) puts the number of 100,000 pollution-related deaths every year. Although this mortality rate could be outstandingly lowered if China's government took authority, instead it lets companies get away with pollution and the government hastily masks the situation. The outragious number of 11.7 million pounds of organic pollutants is expelled in China's waters. Compare this number with the 3.4 million pounds in Japan and the 3.2 pounds in India. In 2005, China's major crisis with pollution caught international attention when a Chinese petro-chemical plant exploded 100 tons of the chemical Benzene into the Songhua River. This ordeal resulted in China's horrible ecological laws exposed to the whole world. Fortunately, the international community is pressing China to take responsibilty for their pollution. In addition to China authorizing the radical facts of its pollution to the public, the government there is also punishing any company that breaks an environmental law. The Vice Minister of China's Environmental Protection Department admits that the state of China's water is not only going to affect their nation, but the world as well. China's polluted water filled with garbage moves down their rivers to the sea where currents and the wind carry the polluted wastes to South Korea and Japan. Not only does China's pollution carry through water, but it also travels through the wind as well. The prominent Japanese ice trees (Juhyo) that promote tourism through Japan along with reinforcing their ecosystem are being put at risk from sulphur coming from Chinese factories. Many people in the U.S. are worried that China's pollution will become so extreme that it will begin to affect the people of the Pacific Ocean. Although other countries are promoting China to take charge of their water conditions, it is initially China's duty to keep their people, country and other neighboring nations safe. China needs to realize that its everyone's Earth and their nation is threatening other countries with their pollution habits. The trickle down effect of their contaminating ways will continue to destroy natural resources and habitats that other countries rely on unless they continue to reinforce and follow through with their new anti-pollution policies. Overall we are only given one Earth and it is every ones responsibility to take care of it.
China is said to have one of the most severe water shortages in the world. A shocking 90% of its groundwater is contaminated, as well as 70% of China's rivers and lakes. Close to every day a considerable incident due to pollution happens. An estimated 75% of diseases in Chinese people comes from their pollution. People who live along the polluted rivers or, "cancer villages," as they are called, only live to about their prime, dying from terminal disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) puts the number of 100,000 pollution-related deaths every year. Although this mortality rate could be outstandingly lowered if China's government took authority, instead it lets companies get away with pollution and the government hastily masks the situation. The outragious number of 11.7 million pounds of organic pollutants is expelled in China's waters. Compare this number with the 3.4 million pounds in Japan and the 3.2 pounds in India. In 2005, China's major crisis with pollution caught international attention when a Chinese petro-chemical plant exploded 100 tons of the chemical Benzene into the Songhua River. This ordeal resulted in China's horrible ecological laws exposed to the whole world. Fortunately, the international community is pressing China to take responsibilty for their pollution. In addition to China authorizing the radical facts of its pollution to the public, the government there is also punishing any company that breaks an environmental law. The Vice Minister of China's Environmental Protection Department admits that the state of China's water is not only going to affect their nation, but the world as well. China's polluted water filled with garbage moves down their rivers to the sea where currents and the wind carry the polluted wastes to South Korea and Japan. Not only does China's pollution carry through water, but it also travels through the wind as well. The prominent Japanese ice trees (Juhyo) that promote tourism through Japan along with reinforcing their ecosystem are being put at risk from sulphur coming from Chinese factories. Many people in the U.S. are worried that China's pollution will become so extreme that it will begin to affect the people of the Pacific Ocean. Although other countries are promoting China to take charge of their water conditions, it is initially China's duty to keep their people, country and other neighboring nations safe. China needs to realize that its everyone's Earth and their nation is threatening other countries with their pollution habits. The trickle down effect of their contaminating ways will continue to destroy natural resources and habitats that other countries rely on unless they continue to reinforce and follow through with their new anti-pollution policies. Overall we are only given one Earth and it is every ones responsibility to take care of it.